Flying to Italy

If you are ever planning on flying into Italy, I would recommend skipping the major city airports and heading to a tiny city like Florence.
When I flew to Florence I flew from Paris, France. On the easy 2 hour flight I got to see the alps, the ocean, and the beautiful fields and hills of Italia.
Landing in the airport, I was surrounded by lush greens, a beautiful sky, and hills. Not the typical parking lot-esque scenery that surrounds most airports (cough cough the airport in Rome).
Now I know that most countries, especially if you’re outside of Europe, have direct flights to large cities and would require you to have a stop over to land in a small city like Florence.
But if you’re planning to visit a small city on your trip regardless, think about starting your trip form there. I promise you, there is nothing nicer than landing into a small, welcoming place, as opposed to a chaotic zoo.
If your experiences have been anything like mine, you know that once your plane lands you won’t be at your hotel for several hours. You need to wait for your bags, go through tedious line ups, and figure out confusing signage all around you.
After landing in Florence, I was in a taxi with my bags, on the way to my apartment within 20 minutes of landing – no long hold ups, no hassle, no stress. I was actually excited and willing to explore the city right after stopping by my apartment! There was no need to de-stress from airport waiting and madness post-flight, because it was the least stressful airport experience I’ve ever had.
My tip to you is: avoid major airports flying into Italy. You won’t be stuck in hours long customs holdups, and tedious baggage or taxi lines. Besides, if you fly into a place like Florence – you will be greeted by a gorgeous view, you will not disappointed by the sight.
Another tip? Scrub your face extra well when you land. The airplane air wreaks absolute havoc on your skin. Try out a good exfoliator so that your skin can begin recovering.
So true! Love it. I hated flying through Rome.
This is fine!